November 29, 2024

Today was another one of those days that melts into others. Not necessarily in a negative context. Sleep late, wake up late. Breakfast and some numb. All good things to prepare me for what is probably gonna be a hectic and long week. I have been out of a job for a bit, having quit my last one, and now i may be entering the workforce once again. So this calm before the fucking storm is what i needed. If only i had cigs but there’s more pressing matters to be taken care of then my chain smoking. I talked to F. yesterday. Shared with him things I’ve never told. He shared his secrets too. We made a date to eat sometime. The two of us together again can be bad news. Me, a sober alcoholic, and he, a not so sober alcoholic. The draw of the drink will almost be too much maybe? Maybe this is why i have avoided him. Anyways. O. is currently reading the Catcher in the Rye for school. We were just discussing it for a paper she’s doing and we cried. Oh look at us. Big softies. What a time to feel and be alive. Tears remind me I’m still here, I’m still human and i can still feel damn it.


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here I store things too big for the blurbs page!
journals, solo dates, picture updates, or small features over shit I'm bats over ^^

