the name's nervs but my friends call me something that non-friends don't know! I'm an Angelino first & human second lol. A millennial with any pronouns but prefers they/them.
I like synths that make warm, brassy sounds and that one CHONK CHONK orchestra sound from the song Wait by Wang Chung.
I’m an obsessive, a true fanatic about things I love (historical figures, Los Angeles, video games, dead poets, films, music, philosophy, politics, researching, cataloging, archiving, the internet, web design, old Hollywood, & music CHISME), and I am a fanatic of people who are fanatics; nothing more endearing than seeing someone love a thing! ^^ I also have hobbies like photography, sewing, drawing, phot editing, kpop poca collecting, traveling, etc., but it’s really my obsessions that drive me; otherwise I’d find no reason to exist!
I have had a lifelong, childhood obsession with death, melancholy, etc. typical Capricorn, right? My fears sometimes rule my life, but I am working on it! I consider myself a true loner (INTJ-T things?)and can count my friends and loved ones on one hand. I tend to have my guards up, and my heart is a near impenetrable wall, so sorry if I am bad at interactions!
rest in peace eternally Merlin & Turu
“Death is the bluest of paths.”
-René Crevel
"I am morbid and miserable. My Mind must be rotten, I think.
-Edna St. Vincent Millay
"I almost do not exist and I know it;"
-Fyodor Dostoevsky
"What is it that moves us when we see a man animated by some great passion? Is it his words? Sometimes. But what never fails to stir us is cries, inarticulate words, a broken voice, a group of monosyllables with paused in between, a murmur, impossible to describe, deep in the throat or between the teeth."
-Denis Diderot
“The useless days will add up to something. The shitty waitressing jobs. The hours writing in your journal. The long meandering walks. The hours reading poetry and story collections and novels and dead people’s diaries and wondering about sex and God and whether you should shave under your arms or not. These things are your becoming.”
— Cheryl Strayed
‘I’m Not Searching for Myself, but for the Media. I Don’t Know Who I Am, I’m Not Interested.’
-Hugo Claus
re/watching: (re)the x files s01, (re)family matters s01, (w)link click s02
reading: Mourning Diary by Roland Barthes, The Perfect Affair by Angela Henry, Idol Dreams Vol. i by Arina Tanemura
working on: finding a job, art, simple layouts, staying sane other web page...